Series: Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala Title: Fic 5: 33.1 Authors: Clarksmuse and X_tremeroswellian Rated: R Pairings: Chloe/Dean, Sam/Sarah Disclaimer: Yeah, we don't own anything. Except our computers. :P Don't sue. Thanks.
when I first got into designing websites. My friend Sarah was the one who guided me through the process. My first fandom online was Roswell and I was one of the first people to build a site dedicated to it. It was called The Max and Liz Project. I remember the thrill of searching free graphics sites for backgrounds and graphics to make the site
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I took a three hour nap today and in that time I dreamt that my guinea pig Bosco grew to be as big as a tiger, cornered me in the hallway, and tried to bite my hand off
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So I get up at 7:40 this morning to get ready for work (which I have at 9). And at 8:25 my boss calls and says he doesn't need me to work today after all, he needs me for tomorrow instead. I'm like, thank you very much, asshole, for having me get up about three hours earlier than I needed to. Jag-off. I really hate my job sometimes
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